
Counsellor: Kareen Fellows B.Sc.Soc Majors: Counselling, Psychology, Sociology

Thank you for visiting today. I look forward to working with you.

To book a session...
phone or text: 0408 792 747

Session Availability:
I am taking new clients, and there are usually sessions available most days.

Sessions are all online using Skype. You don't need another app if you don't want one, I simply send you a link to your email to connect - Click here for more information about online sessions.

I have been offering online sessions for a few years now and find it as effective as in person counselling, and more convenient for many people.

Embracing Ageing

I've put this image of the front yard of an old house we once rented in a sea side town in NSW, as I'm particularly fond of old beac...