Anchors Away

This week, I have received two email newsletters with an Anchor theme. The first newsletter asked if you had an area of your life that provided an anchor of security a shelter during tough times. This anchor could be a place you find relaxing to visit, a friend you can talk things over with, a faith you find comfort in, a pet that loves you unconditionally. This got me to thinking where my anchors are, and what I find comforting. I love walking along the beach at dawn, I love the clear air, and I love it when it is low tide. The colours of the water, the sand and the sky all vary, but there is something about being at the beach at this time, that I find restorative. Dancing is another one of my anchors, I find going over and over movements, practising, gives me focus. Art, another anchor, is a time out area for me when I paint, I lose my thoughts and focus in only on what I am doing. It gives my mind time to clear and my house a new artwork.

Then the second email asked if you had an invisible anchor that was holding you back, the question was related to past lives, which I am not really focused on right now as my present life has enough going on for me. However the question really did get my mind thinking about this life now and what anchors I had that may be holding me back.

If you imagine for a moment, about being on a boat in a safe harbour, you want to go somewhere, but your anchor is snagged on something beneath the boat. The snag stops you from going anywhere. You don't want to stay in the harbour, you want to explore. Are there areas in your life that are holding you back? An anchor, that you'd rather not have? Perhaps it is a fear of doing something - like flying. You'd like to travel but fear of flying (crashing really) holds you back. Or perhaps it is a hurt from a past relationship that stops you from trying again.

This morning I am grateful for the anchors that keep me grounded and safe especially at Christmas. I love the ritual of putting up and decorating our Christmas tree. I love providing Christmas spirit, by decorating the topiary tree outside our home to share joy with others, who may not be experiencing joy right now in their lives. This morning I am wondering what anchors I need to let go of that keep me snagged.

So what are the anchors that work for you? And what are the ones keeping you snagged?

Purposeful Problems

This is from Cheryl newsletter this week...

Purposeful Problems

"Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love the above quote and today, as I was searching for a newsletter to rerun this week while I travel back from LA, I came across this one. It's about what I learned from encountering problems while finishing up the building of our home. So, think about something that's challenging you right now, sit back and get ready for a new perspective...

After hitting a stumbling block while getting ready to move into our new home, I had a chance to see how my approach to dealing with problems has changed dramatically over the course of the building process. When the carpet installers began laying carpet, they discovered that the color of one large piece of rug was completely different than the rest. I learned about the problem from the installer when we first met in the driveway. His introduction was exactly what you don't want to hear when moving in two weeks: "Hi Cheryl, nice to meet you. Boy do we have a big problem here!"

Now, I've learned a thing or two about problems. First, very few are life threatening. Very few. Yes, a problem may cause a setback, hurt feelings, enormous amounts of frustration and stress, or feelings that are so overwhelming that it makes the situation appear insurmountable, but in the larger scheme of life, if you handle them right, they rarely cause irreparable damage. This little bit of wisdom always reminds me to step back, breathe, and engage my sense of humor. I actually chuckled to myself when the carpet installer gave me the bad news.

Second, I've learned that where "things" are concerned, I'm better off spending my time and energy on the solution rather than rehashing the specifics of what happened. Too often we get caught up in the drama of the details. For example, I don't need to debate how the carpet got damaged or why they delivered it to us in such poor shape. It is what it is. The carpet is defective and needs to be replaced. Once you shift your attention to what has to happen next to get the job done, you'll feel more empowered. And believe me, that's a good thing for everyone involved ☺.

Finally, the most important lesson of all has to do with finding the power in the problem - an opportunity for growth. When Michael and I decided to build a home, we heard everything from, "You must be out of your mind," to "Build a house, lose a spouse." One person, however, had a very different perspective. My friend Kelly said, "This could be an amazing opportunity for personal and spiritual growth." Little did I know how right Kelly would turn out to be. Our decision to take on such a big, soul-inspired project would challenge us in ways we never could have imagined. And, we've grown a lot both individually and together as a result.

If you're faced with a problem right now, remember this: There's gold hiding somewhere and it has to do with the growth of your soul. Building our home has given me this gift. Every problem carries a possibility for us to become better people - great listeners, more compassionate, resourceful, or decisive, for example. Surrender to the gift and let it lead you to an even better life!
